Discover the Magic of Two Rabbits Ice Cream

In this Press Page, you will find a treasure trove of stories that capture the essence of our brand and its evolution, inspiring features on our handcrafted ice cream flavors, exciting news on upcoming launches and events, and a glimpse into the heart of our dedicated team. We invite members of the media and ice cream enthusiasts alike to explore our press releases, images, and resources to learn more about the extraordinary journey of Two Rabbits.

  • The New York Times: Celebrate the Lunar New Year with Two Rabbits Ice Cream

  • Resy: Two Rabbits Ice Cream at Pearl River Mart Foods

  • DIELINE: Fleeting Pleasure, Meet Lasting Health with Two Rabbits Ice Cream

  • EATAKU: Two Rabbits Ice Cream - available for ordering and pick up in New York City, with nationwide shipping coming soon.

  • ]心臓専門医とシェフが作り上げたヘルシーで独創的なアイスクリーム

    The Cuisine Magazine: Healthy and creative ice cream created by cardiologists and chefs

For all media inquiries, high-resolution images, and interview requests, please don't hesitate to contact our press team at or fill out the contact form below. We look forward to scooping up delightful stories together!